The Fiji islands in the South Pacific are fast becoming recognised as a source for premium grade ginger. Fiji is a tropical island paradise with perfect unpolluted growing conditions for the ginger plant.

Why Fiji Ginger?

Asian countries are importing large quantities of Fijian ginger and recognise its superior properties. In recent years Fijian ginger has also become popular in North American and Australian markets.


Spice Perfection is the only supplier of Fijian ginger paste to the UK market.

A Superior Quality Ginger

Our Fijian grown ginger has been recognised by the Guild of Fine Food in London. Its unique taste was commended by a panel of international chefs. The award is one of the most recognised awards in the food industry.


Spice Perfection ginger paste products are perfect for Asian and Indian cuisine.

An Award Winning Taste

Naturally Concentrated

The soil in Fiji is nutritionally rich and the ginger therefore grows larger and stronger than in other parts of the world.


Fiji ginger has distinctive properties, giving a more concentrated composition compared with other ginger brands.


We have a unique production process in

Fiji which processes the fresh ginger and

removes all fibres, leaving a smooth texture.


No artificial colours or flavours are added; it’s just pure quality ginger grown in Paradise!

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